#Dayoftheboys! Would you help bring equality also to our sons?

What is it about?

Together with some independent non-partisan people who are engaged in supporting ALL of our children, we are planning with the “Day of the boy” a campaign especially for boys. Not because our boys are somehow better, but because they deserve something better than the permanent shaming of their gender. This is in particular very important for the peronality forming within searching for their own identity.

Boys are not little future rapists nor are they belonging to a patriarchy defending greedy and power-hungry species, whose members are already position themselves as toddlers for the oppression of women. They are children like any other children and deserve that every gender is treated with respect and dignity. And because there is already a ”Day of the girl” (October 11th), it is only fair that boys should have also a dedicated day to them. We need a special day to educate our sons that they are NOT MORE, but also that they are NOT LESS then girls.

How to participate?

  • A) By posting, twittering, blogging and following the and posting under the hashtag #GiveBoysADay reasons why a “Day of the boy” is an absolute necessity.
  • B) We have opened a in our forum an area for joint efforts and work on the “Day of the boy” project. Those who would like to participate send a mail to internet@maennerpartei.at

With this procedure we will be able to activate the new user (male, female, or other 🙂 ) for the forum area and for acceptance as a member of the project team.

Why should you join this movement?

We all together could give equally also for our male kids. . We  could make real that boys are not forgotten in this world.  Any time we speak from the pain of female children, the media say „Girls“, any time if male children are in trouble, they are „Kids“ or „Child“, „Children. Women and girls are not invisible longer all over the world, but the poverty and the misery of the  boys and men are disappear more and more.
For this main reason we should male children give the same honor as girls for one day.
Until this day, all this special treatments based on a random born sex is a thing of the past. But till then, we could care for the overdue balance between the sexes.

So please join us.  Be part of it. Do not only complain.  We have to fight for our sons, they should not forget. Kids are kids. Sex is not a category for different child rights, for human rights.  We could only change the world if we d a step. Let us go!

Would you?  All our kids need our help! Give Boys a day!
Junge arbeitet auf Müllkippe(Picture : Wikipedia „child labour“)

2 Kommentare zu „#Dayoftheboys! Would you help bring equality also to our sons?

  1. Ein kürzliches Video dazu von Laurie A. Couture, einer Familienberaterin und Expertin in diesen Bereichen.

    ab 25:45

    “I am presenting this Information to the public in hopes that there will be increased pubic scrutinising of feminist media resources, human Service fields and Feminist ideology in general. We need a very serious critic because the shaming of boys and men has reached a level that is toxic and it shloud not be tolerated anymore. The public health and safety is at risk. Boys are at risk.

    As a mental health counselor I am seeing more and more boys that just hate themselves and they are shamed about their sexuality, they are shamed about their male body, they are shamed about being boys, they are shamed about any sort of maleness,…”

    Und auch das darauf folgende.

    Feminist Media Censorship Puts Public Safety at Risk


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